Do You Want to Attract More Patients and Give Your Clinic a Boost?


...all while avoiding the 3 most common (but fatal) mistakes that force good patients to choose your competitors instead.

We are extremely Proud to Present:

The Chiropractic Patient Engine

Do You Want to Attract More Patients and Give Your Clinic a Boost?

...All While Avoiding the 3 Most Common (But Fatal) Mistakes
that Forces Good Patients to Choose Your Competition Instead.

We are extremely Proud to Present:

The Chiropractic Patient Engine

Phone books are out. 
These days, a quick Internet search connects us to every possible service we need.

That’s why Smart Chiropractors agree - you simply cannot survive in 2020 without an online presence. Without it, customers would never know you exist! 

But this is where the problem starts...

In an effort to have some kind of online presence, many businesses fall victim to the idea that “something is better than nothing.” Often times, not even realizing the disastrous impact of their poorly managed digital image. 

Despite their best intentions, many Chiropractors are making fatal mistakes that are actually hurting their bottom line. (I’ll reveal these in just a moment.)
The 2 Common Scenarios that Many CHiropractors Innocently Fall Into That
Cause Their Online Marketing to Fail...

1) Attempting to Self-Manage their own Digital Marketing.

Yes, being “too good” at your own marketing can actually hurt your business. Here’s how…

When your marketing efforts pay off and a rush of new clients walk through the door, you’re forced to divert your attention as you care for all these customers. Juggling your clients and marketing soon becomes impossible, and since you can’t let service quality suffer, you sacrifice the time spent on your marketing efforts instead.

The problem: You can’t ever get comfortable! That rush of clients will dwindle (or die off completely!) if you don’t keep up with your digital image. Your phone will stop ringing, and when you return to your marketing efforts, you’ll be forced back to square one. This cycle will go on and on while failing to stimulate true, ongoing growth in your business.

2) Asking an Employee to Manage their Social Media.

An incredibly popular “solution” that more often than not, causes bigger problems than gains. Why?

The problem: By tasking your staff, you take time away from their regular duties. Ultimately, their performance will end up suffering somewhere. Not to mention, they are not digital marketing professionals. You’re placing your lifeblood (ie. your brand and ability to attract new business!) in the hands of someone who lacks sufficient training to take on such a huge responsibility. 
It’s easy to see why so many Chiropractors fall into these traps. You wouldn’t reasonably expect that either scenario could so badly hurt your potential to attract clients. 

But how exactly do these digital marketing “solutions” damage your online reputation and direct potential customers towards
your competition?
There are 3 Fatal (Yet Often, Unintentional) Mistakes that are Influencing Potential Patients to Choose Your CompetitorS Over You...
Fatal Mistake #1
An Outdated or Poorly Designed Website
Potential Patients are searching for your business on Google and if they find a website that’s difficult to navigate or looks like it hasn’t been updated in years, they will take their business elsewhere. 
The Impact on Your Potential Patients:
You’d never expect your patients to feel comfortable walking into a messy and disorganized office. The same goes for your online presence. A poorly designed website will cast doubt on your professionalism and influence customers to look elsewhere for quality service. 
Fatal Mistake #2:
A Facebook Page that’s Littered with Poor
Quality Posts or Isn’t Updated at All
Many Facebook business pages fall into 1 of 3 categories: they’re non-existent, they’re rarely updated (if at all) or they’re littered with poor quality and/or irrelevant content.
The Impact on Your Potential Patients:
According to an article by Forbes, 78% of consumer buying decisions are influenced by a company’s Facebook page. This makes Facebook a powerful tool in attracting new and repeat business. However, if your page offers no content (or content that’s poorly thought out) the impact will quickly work against you. Potential Patients will be left with a sour impression of a disorganized and/or poorly managed business. 
Fatal Mistake #3:
Failing to Keep Current Patients Engaged
Just because a client has walked through the door once, it's not guaranteed that they'll return. Business owners often fail to take advantage of key digital resources that will maintain their customer relationships and strengthen customer loyalty.
The Impact on Your Current Patients:
If you don’t maintain your relevance, patients will forget why they fell in love with you in the first place. Not to mention, failing to stay in contact often makes customers feel underappreciated and forgotten. Making it much easier for competitors to sweep your customers off their feet and take away business that used to be all yours.
How Does Our CHIROPRACTIC PATIENT Engine Protect Your PRACTICE from Falling Victim to These Devastating Mistakes?
We’ve zeroed in on a specialized strategy with 2 very specific goals: attracting a continuous string of new customers into your business, while keeping them happy, engaged and ready to return to you when needed.

This is How our Chiropractic Patient Engine Upgrades YourPractice's Marketing for Ongoing Growth:

Upgrade #1
Our Engine Transforms Your Website into
a High-Performance Patient Magnet.
There’s a lot of fluff that goes into generic website design. We’ve removed the distractions and designed a highly effective template that produces results. Focusing on key elements that reel in prospective clients and prompt them to book with you.
Upgrade #2
Our Engine Creates Stand-Out,
Daily Facebook Brand Experiences
that Attract New Patients and Engage
Your Current Patients.
We’ve created a simple, yet incredibly effective, Facebook strategy that will create a lasting impression. Potential clients will be impressed by your professional appearance, while current clients will stay intrigued by your thoughtful content. 
Upgrade #3
Our Engine actively Strengthens Patient Loyalty and Encourages them to Come Back More Often via Automated,
Monthly Reachout Campaigns.
We employ a strategic approach that is simple, but powerful. It maintains your relevance to current customers, influences them to continue working with you while strengthening their loyalty. Preventing your customers from becoming easily stolen targets by your competition. 
Upgrade #4
Our Engine Frees You and Your Clinic's Staff from Unnecessary Distractions so they can
focus on what they do best...
(serving Patients inside of your Clinic)
There are a lot of components to running your business smoothly, and it requires the full attention of you and your trained staff. We remove all unnecessary distractions so that you can focus on providing top quality service to your clientele.

When it Comes to Connecting Local Businesses with
a Steady Stream of Customers, We’ve Got it Down to a Science.

If you’re ready to streamline your digital marketing with a strategy proven to attract new customers, relieve your workload and grow your business… well, we cannot wait to work with you either. 
Sign Up for the Engine Below and Let's Get Started
Growing your Practice Online the Right Way.
Got More Questions before you Sign Up? Book a call today!
How Can You Be Sure that CHIROPRACTIC PATIENT ENGINE is the Right Fit for Your Practice?
There is no shortage of digital marketing services available to you. Choosing the right fit for your business is important to your continuous success.

Here’s Why You’ll Love Working With Us:

Promise #1
Every day we take steps to Build and Protect Your Practice's Digital Image to Ensure It’s no Longer Working Against You
You can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your online brand is fully protected and always working in your favor. Most importantly, you can feel confident that your digital presence is actively contributing to the growth of your business.
Promise #2
You’ll Enjoy a Fully Hands-Off Approach
to Growing Your Practice
And Attracting New Clients
We remove you and your staff from the equation. Freeing up your precious time to focus on taking great care of your clients, while allowing your staff to complete their tasks efficiently and effectively. 
Promise #3
We’ve Stripped Away the “Fluff” to Offer
Affordable Packages that Produce Results
As a local business, you don’t need the fancy digital services of a big-time corporation. You shouldn’t have to pay huge corporate prices either. You’ll never pay for unnecessary efforts because we focus on providing exactly what you need to deliver results.

Most of All, You’ll Love Working with Us Because
We Get the Results Your Business Deserves.

Sign Up for the Engine Below and Let's Get Started
Growing your Practice Online the Right Way.
Got More Questions before you Sign Up? Book a call today!
Frequently Asked Questions:
How does The Patient Engine work?
In short... we have an amazing team that is dedicated to making your Practice look amazing every single day. Instead of taking time out of your day to manage your website, Facebook page, and existing patient marketing... we do it for you. All you have to do is sign up and our team will walk you through everything that is going to happen daily to market your practice online. You simply approve the key elements and we get to work. 

You're about to finally be free of all the Digital Marketing work and your Practice is going to start growing daily because of the work we do for you.
What if I want to Cancel?
That's not a problem. 
Unlike a lot of Digital Marketing Agencies you might have run into, we don't have any need to lock you into a long contract. Our clients are in full control of their service. That (and the fact that the Engine works so well) are why our clients never want to leave our service. It works and makes their lives easier (without needing to lock them down into a contract).
What if I have questions before I sign up?
If there is something that this page didn't already answer for you, just schedule a quick call with our team. We're here to answer any questions you have. Click here to book a Q and A session now.
Can I still post on my Facebook page?
Of course!
You're still in full control of all of your business' assets. Our service runs in the background and makes sure that you never feel like you have to posts on your page again. That said... you may have something that you want to post... and you can do that anytime (the same way that you always have) without interrupting anything that we're doing for you.
How does the email marketing part of The Engine work?
Every single month, we send out a highly relevant email to your existing patients. This email will remind them that you're still around and that they should come in and do more business with you. It's a powerful way to get new business through the door every single month (without you having to do anything extra for it to happen... we'll take care of it for you).
What Happens when I sign up?
Within a couple of days from the time you sign up, you'll be contacted by an onboarding specialist from our company. They'll walk you through what we need to get from you to do our job and answer any questions you have along the way.

We're here to help make growing your business easier and it all starts with making sure you have a person at our agency that you can always get a hold of.
Sign Up for the Engine Below and Let's Get Started
Growing your Practice Online the Right Way.
Got More Questions before you Sign Up? Book a call today!
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